There are no two trips through Night City that are necessarily the same. There are a lot of different options that you will take when you play the popular CDPR role game, all of which will ultimately determine what happens in history and which of the four finals of the game you will get. This ** Cyberpunk 2077 'Finals Guide will explain how to get each of these, so you can experience each final of the history of V. Cyberpunk 2077 Final 1: Where is my mind? Final 2-Throughout the Watchtower Cyberpunk 2077 Final 3-New Dawn fades finishing 4-Road de Gloria Completion 5-Road of less resistance How to get all the finals in Cyberpunk 2077 How to get the secret end of Cyberpunk 2077 _ Spoiler warning: Note that this guide reviews the main spoilers of Cyberpunk 2077. If you prefer to enjoy the game without spoilers, return now. You have been warned! _ How to get all the finals in Cyberpunk 2077 The main decision that affects which of the Cyberpunk 2077 finals, it depends on the decis...