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Cyberpunk 2077 cheat guides

Yes! You can unlock unlimited money, all rare weapons, vehicles and much more in the Cyberpunk 2077, using the cheats that we collected in this detailed guide. We will teach you how to include cheats and other malfunctions related to money and objects in the game.

How to include cheats in Cyberpunk 2077

Before starting cheats and modifications, you should know that cheat codes are officially not supported in the game, and for them, you will have to use mods.

This may cause or not cause problems with future updates, so you should think about maintaining all the data as a backup in case something goes wrong.

For the Cyberpunk version for a PC, you need to install the Cyber Engine Tweak mod. You can download the latest version of the GitHub mode here.

Then you must remove files to the next directory in the game installation folder:(Directory of the game) /bin/x64._

Cyberpunk 2077 Chit codes

Chits for weapons

Chits for weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 will help you get any weapon you want. Enter the Game. Addtoinventory command and a string of weapon after this command to use this cheat. Contact the list below for all weapons in Cyberpunk 2077.

  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_Achilles_Nash, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_Ajax_moron, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_baseball_bat_Denny, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_baton_tinker_bell, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_Burma_comrade, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_cane_fingers, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_carnage_MOX, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_copperhead_genesis, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Dan_Ringling, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_dildo_stout, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_grad_buck, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_grad_Panama, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_IGA_sovereign, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Katina_cocktail, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Katina_Hiram, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Katina_suburb, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_Katina_surgeon, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Katina_Nakamura, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_ken shin_frank, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_ken shin_Royce, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_knife_stinger, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Lexington_Wilson, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_liberty_DEX, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_liberty_rogue, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_liberty_Orinoco, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_malamute_rogue, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_neuromata_breakthrough, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_nova_doom_doom, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_due_Jackie, 1)
  • Game.addtoinventory (Items.preset_due_Marko, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Omaha_Suzie, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_overture_Cassidy, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_overture_Kerry, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_overture_river, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_pulsar_buzz aw, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Saratoga_maelstrom, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Saratoga_Rafael, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_shin gen_prototype, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_shovel_caretaker, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_sidewinder_divided, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_silver hand_3516, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_tactician_headsman, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Yakima_Fiji, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Yakima_Skippy, 1)
  • Game. Addtoinventory (Items.preset_Zhao_eight_star, 1)

Money cheat

The money is no longer a problem, and you can have as much as you want. All you need to do is enter the following command:

_Game. Addtoinventory (objects. Money, 1000) _

The input of this command will give you 1000 vortices, but you can introduce as much as you want.

Codes for vehicles

You can unlock all vehicles or some specific vehicles. To unlock all cars, enter the following command:

_vs: Turn on all vehicles () _

However, if you want to unlock some specific types of vehicles, you must introduce the following command:

vs: enablePlayurvehicle (# team, however, lies)

You should delete the # command and enter it from the next list of commands for the type of vehicle that you want to unlock:

  • Vehicle.v_sport1_Herrera_outlaw_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport1_quadrat_turbo_player
  • Автомобиль.v_sport1_quadrat_turbo_r_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport1_Rayfield_aerondight_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport1_Rayfield_Cliburn_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_mutant_scion_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_mutant_scion_nomad_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_Porsche_911turbo_player
  • Автомобиль.v_sport2_quadrat_type66_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_quadrat_type66_avenger_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_quadrat_type66_nomad_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_Voldemort_Alvarado_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard25_major_upon_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard25_Voldemort_Columbus_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard25_Thorton_Colby_pickup_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_archer_hello_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_archer_quartz_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_chevalier_thorax_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_making_Maiman_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_Thorton_Colby_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_Thorton_galena_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_Thorton_galena_nomad_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_Voldemort_Cortes_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_Voldemort_Cortes_remain_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard3_chevalier_emperor_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard3_Thorton_mackinaw_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike1_yield_Susana_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike2_arch_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike3_Brennan_apollo_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike3_Brennan_apollo_nomad_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike2_arch_Jackie_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike2_arch_Jackie_tuned_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_Voldemort_Alvarado_Valentino_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard2_Thorton_galena_Boas_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard3_Thorton_mackinaw_ICU_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_quadrat_type66_nomad_ICU_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike1_yield_Susana_Tyler_player
  • Vehicle.v_sportbike2_arch_Tyler_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport2_mutant_scion_nomad_02_player
  • Vehicle.v_sport1_Rayfield_Cliburn_02_player
  • Vehicle.v_standard25_Thorton_Colby_pickup_02_player

Киберпрограммные читы

Так же, как читы для оружия, Cyberwar также следует той же команде и шаблону. Ниже приведен список всех читов Cyberwar.

  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. AnimalsBerserkFragment1»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. AnimalsStrongArmsBattery1»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. AnimalsStrongArmsKnuckles1»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ArasakaLegendaryMKIV»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ArasakaSandevistanFragment1»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. BerserkC2MK4»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. BerserkC3MK4»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. BioConductorsLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. BlindLvl4Program»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. BloodPumpLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. BrainCapacityBoosterLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. CyberRotorsLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. DischargeConnectorLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ElectroshockMechanismLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. EndoskeletonLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. EnhancedBloodVesselsLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. EnhancedTissueLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. FuyutsuiTinkererLegendaryMKIII»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. HealOnKillLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. HealthMonitorLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ImprovedPerceptionLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. IronLungsLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. KerenzikovLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. LimbicSystemEnhancementLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. MantisBladesLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. MemoryReplenishmentLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. MicroGeneratorLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. NanoWiresLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. NeoFiberLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. NetwatchNetdriverLegendaryMKV»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. OpticalCamoLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. PainReductor»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. PowerGripLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ProjectileLauncherLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. RavenLegendaryMKIV»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ReflexRecorderLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. ResistancesBoosterLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. RoboticCoreLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. SecondHeart»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. SmartLinkLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. StaminaRegenBoosterLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. StephensonLegendaryMKIV»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. StrongArmsLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. SubdermalArmorLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. SynapticAcceleratorLegendary»,1)
  • Game. AddToInventory(«Items. TetratronicRipplerLegendaryMKIV»,1)

Прочие читы и хитрости

Here are several other simple teams that you can introduce to unlock the corresponding things:

How Turn on the secret ending: game.setdebugfact (SQ032_JOHNNY_FRIEND, 1)

Revue Talmud: game.setdebugfact (Q112_NAKAMURA_DEAD, 0)

Skippy on a shot in the head: game.setdebugfact (MQ007_Skippy_aim_at_head, 1)

Duplication of objects

If you want to duplicate objects in your inventory so that you never end in ammunition or improved components, all you need to do is use this failure in the game.

Before you start this trick, you should think about maintaining your data so that you can get it if you have incorrectly used the error.

Then go to any Drop Point terminal and open the store. Sell there items that you want to duplicate, and then go to the closure of the store menu.

Now this is what you need to play correctly. By closing the store menu, open the store again and click the following controls at the same time as the opening of the store:

_Grin prefix:triangle and options

Xbox: Select and Y

_PK:ASK and P

To properly reproduce the glitch, you need to choose the right timing. Then you will see that the menu items were a little deformed, the background is also a little transparent.

At this stage, buy as many objects that you sold as possible. Therefore, this failure will work best with a cheat with unlimited money, since you can buy as much as you want without worrying about money.

Luck with unlimited money (PC, Xbox, PlayStation)

The Cyberpunk 2077 has another failure with which you can play to get as much money as you want, in packages of 4000. However, in order for this failure to work, you should have fulfilled the first main plot mission of act 2, the game in time.

Then go to refuel with a camp for the homeless in the Santo Domingo area. As soon as you go there, the Space Oddity mission marker will appear, so, as soon as it appears, start a conversation with men standing at the table.

Having overcome them, you can either hack a laptop using your intelligence, or go to a place to scan a dead person in search of code.

Whatever way you choose as soon as you get a place, get there and deal with seven soldiers. Get your prize from the central capsule, which will be a picture.

Then find the nearest box and sell the picture for 4000 vortices. Leave the menu of the opening list and open it again to buy a picture back in just 5 vortices.

Open the menu again and sell it again for 4000. Repeat the process until the money ends in the box. Go and find another box to repeat the process to get as much money as you want.


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