Ni antic has been holding community days in pokémon Go for several years, but the classic of the community day are quite new. The classic returns the Pokémon presented in the previous day of the community, and attracts attention to them, giving new players the opportunity to catch Pokémon, which they may have not yet encountered. The last Community Day Classic was held in April, and Mud kip participated in it. Ni antic announced the following Classic, which will take place November 5 , 2022 from from 14:00 to 17:00 local time .
Selected Pokémon
Doting will be represented by Pokémon for this classic community day. It is very interesting for both new and old players. Dating has a great brilliance, and he evolves in the extremely powerful Pokémon of the Dragon ite. Even players who already have a brilliant version of this monster would be reasonable to take more while they are nearby, even if these are just a dating sweets.
Special research
For players who want to get even more from this event, there will be a special research story, although it will cost them 1 US dollar (or equivalent in local currency). This story of a special study will give players the opportunity to catch a few more doting and can be more useful for players who do not live next to a large city with many pokes.
Bonuses of the event
There are several excellent bonuses for events that players can use during the hours of the event. The full list of bonuses can be found below:
incense * will begin during the hours of the event last three hours instead of 30 minutes Modules of bait will begin during the hours of the event last three hours instead of 30 minutes Three times Normal Star dust for catching Pokémon Pictures will include photo bomb *
interested in other useful guides on Pokémon Go and want to know more? Check out the Pokémon Go October 2022 Community Day-bonuses for events, Nitpick and designed for the time of research in professional games!
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