Today, online game cannot do without toxicity. To resist this, the developers used various methods, from banks to encouragement for good behavior. Overwatch also accepted a similar system, Endorsements, which was transferred to Overwatch 2 with some changes.
If you do not understand how the new approval system works in Overwatch 2, let us shed light on changes in the mechanics of good behavior in OW2.
How approval work in Overwatch 2
Approval is a kind of reward that you can give to your teammates (random players, and not to the friends with whom you are in line) for good behavior in the game.
This varies from the game to the game. Lizard entertainment accepted the approval function in Overwatch 1, and it continues in Overwatch 2 with small changes.
Overwatch 1 had 3 categories to support the player. Shot , a good teammate and also sports behavior . Sports skills can also be given to the enemy. In Overwatch, 2 categories were reduced from 3 to one in total *.
In addition, players will only be able to approve allies . You can no longer support enemies, which is a kind of chopping.
Awards for approval
The main idea is to promote positive and good players, facilitating them to obtain higher levels of approval. While in Overwatch 1, players received loot boxes for approval, in OW2 this changed.
Since there is no outboxes in OW2, players can periodically receive the experience of combat passage, continuing to receive the approval of the allies. Players just need to maintain a high level of approval, and they will receive combat experience as a reward.
There is no fixed amount of XP or time, after which players will receive their reward for the approval of OW2, so you just need to be patient and always behave in the best way.
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