New Humble Bundle Star Trek Adventure Package Offers Table Role players the perfect opportunity to trace their own course through the final border. Humble Bundle previously often offered to Star Trek fanatics to catch up with Star Trek comics, and now they are applying the same idea to the Star Trek Adventures table role-play. Package pays what you want ($1 by a start kit and up to $18 for the 26 items offered), which supports the rescue of the National Park with a charitable donation, includes everything that players and game directors With digital copies of everything you need to start. Theirs Adventures of Star Trek Campaign of Table Role Games.
What is offered? Here is the breakdown. Paying $1 gives you the following Adventures of Star Trek Elements:
Game of Initiation The characters of the original series The characters of the next generation
With those elements, you can play the game and even splash some iconic characters in the adventure. They want more? Paying $10 You get those three articles, plus these Adventures Star Trek Elements:
The Core Book (plus a coupon of 50% discount on a printed copy) GM screen The Beta Quadrant Supplement Book of Missions These Are the Voyages Four additional adventures: problems in owned III, callback yesterday, remains and media and media
But there is still more on offer. If you pay the total of $18, you get all the content mentioned above, more the following:
Three supplements that focus on the main divisions of the Star Fleet: Command Division, Division of Operations and Science Division. The Alpha Quadrant Supplement Deep Space Nine characters Voyager character Star fleet tiles Klingon tiles The Adventure Book of The Strange New Worlds Five adventures: Gravity of the Crime, Hard Rock Catastrophe, Nest In The Dark, Stolen Liberty and a separate forest.
DESCRIPTION OF PER MODIFIES Entertainment of Adventures of Star Trek, « Adventures of Star Trek takes you to the last border of the Galaxy, where new discoveries await the enthusiastic scans of the star fleet. Your duties can take you to the limits of the known space, or the colonies of the Federation needed, at the borders of the neighboring galactic powers or the eye of interstellar phenomena. Your ship and your crew personify the best that the star fleet and the united federation of planets have to offer, and they need you more than ever.
What do you think of the En ventures of Star Trek humble package? Will your Star Trek Adventures campaign participate and launch? Inform us in the section for comments.
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