What really is about cyberpunk genre? To fear? Oppression? A dark future that cannot be repaired, only survived? Is all this simply summarized in this legendary phrase "High-tech, Low-Life"? Yes, probably, but the only way to really know is to dive into the cyberpunk media and to forge your own opinion - you know, far from the TrainWreck during CD Projekt Red - and infinitecorp: Revolution Cyberpunk is an excellent point of departure. This independent strategy card game based on the decision puts players in the role of a megacorp employee specializing in the distribution of goods within the megaour, a colossal structure in which all local citizens live. The company wants to achieve a profit, but the various factions within the tower have their own objectives. If you do not balance these contradictory forces enough, they will turn against you. Difficult to get more cyberpunk than that. Besides, have you heard this soundtrack? The Steam page encourages you to _ "str...